Donna Ballard
Associate Diploma in Accounting (TAFE), Bachelor of Business Majoring in Marketing & Business Management (UNE)
What’s your connection to the MidCoast?
I was born and raised in the MidCoast area. After leaving school, I worked in the first of what was to become a long list of MidCoast businesses. I loved all of these experiences, and enjoyed a brilliant array of roles. These included working at Taree Photographics (a ‘gap year’ that became quite extended as I met my husband and we began our family life), accounting for Godwin's Timber and Hardware and then for North Coast Kitchens, and as General Manager of Hot Tuna Surf Clothing Co. After a few years in Sydney we happily returned to the MidCoast and I commenced work with Edstein Creative Stone. I then managed a disability support organisation, About Inclusion, for a few years before working with Bayview Seafoods.
The community life is just as exciting here - I am involved as a volunteer in a number of community groups, the highlight being the annual Wingham Akoostik Music Festival.
Why TUC? What does this project mean to you?
TUC is essential for bringing higher learning opportunities closer to home. For too many years moving away from home has been the most common path to study; this is costly, and out of reach for many. It is also stressful for some to contemplate choosing between their family and the pursuit of higher education, whether as a school leaver moving away from home, or mature age students looking to change paths to benefit both themselves and their family.
TUC is here to remove those barriers, and the tough choices often required of those living in regional areas.
What does success look like for you and TUC?
In the short term, success for TUC is having students enrol in courses of their choice, and then completing those studies on a timeline that works for them and with support from TUC.
In the longer term, success will be seen in an improved ability for local employers to attract qualified staff to job vacancies - this brings economic benefit as business capability lifts. As a community, students choosing to stay and study locally will result in a more vibrant and active region for everyone's enjoyment. As CEO it is my responsibility to facilitate these connections and ensure all support is effectively and sustainably provided.